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2024 Sea-doo Rxp-x 325 IBR Jetski

| Lisätty: 11 joulukuu 2024, numero: 367098
  • Участие в ДТП?: Неважно 
  • Tyyppi: Muut 
  • Julkaisuvuosi: 2025 
  • Asunnon materiaali: Muut 
  • Moottorin tyyppi: Toinen 
  • Pituus: 3 m.
RACE-READY PERFORMANCE FEATURES: Precision handling - Exclusive X-performance features provide demanding riders with high speed control thanks to specially designed sponsons for hairpin turns, variable trim with launch control for race-winning holeshots and Ergolock-R cockpit design that puts you in the driver's seat.
ONE LOOK IS ALL IT TAKES: Race-Ready Synergy - Expertly crafted and sculpted with unique materials for an exquisite finish. All it takes is one glance and everyone will know who's king of the buoy course.
X-Performance features, Carbon fiber hood, Steering column, Extended VTS™ (Variable Trim System), RF D.E.S.S.™ Key, Watertight phone compartmentLinQ® attachment system, Wide-Angle Mirrors, Round handlegrips, Footwell carpets, Large swim platform, Ski tow eye, Polished impeller
New Outboard Engine, Jetski, ATV And Motocross
WWW.MATERNALSPORT.COM, We specialize in exporting brand New Outboard Engine, Jetski, ATV And Motocross to our customers in countries all over the world.
The best quality of our products is consistently based on the best technology and brands from all companies providing New Boat, Jetski, ATV And Motorcycles and our very best R&D team from Asia to help find the product you want. Currently we offer the best products and brands from well-known brands such as: EVINRUDE, YAMAHA, MERCURI, HONDA MARINE, SUZUKI and other best brands. Please visit our site or contact us for check our product available. World Wide Shipment Service Available! For more information regarding the product, you can visit our official website. You can also looking for the other simillar product and you can place your order directly from our official website, WWW.MATERNALSPORT.COM
Store Website: https://www.maternalsport.com
Whatsapp : +6282173737510
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/maternalsportco
E-mail : sales@maternalsport.com
Ota yhteyttä mainostajaan
Maliki Asnul
62x xxx xxxxNäytä yhteystiedot
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