Beograd, celebonovica 69/1,
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Selling 4.0 flat Čelebonovića Bežanijska Kosa Novi Beograd wheelchair ramp park view huge terrace glass winter house renovated furnished tenanted property investment real estate buy-to-let Serbia Expo 2027 Surcin Large 3 bedroom apartment, 110m2, VP/6, 26m2 terrace, CG, klima, parking. Equipment, appliances, furniture are new on manufacturers guarantee. My tenants moved in August 2024 on a one year tenancy contract at e990 monthly to my brand new 3 bedroom apartment. That is almost e11880 yearly income. The modern building from 1995 with a large public parking shaded with trees for unlimited cars. Hence can serve as a business space, co-working office. Two empty parking spaces next to the building for disabled wheelchair users are situated next to ramp, no step or gap to cross. The apartment is located on the high ground floor, elevated 1 metre in relation to the terrain. Rooms oriented on cooling North, with kid's room and kitchen on South. Venetian mirror windows with blinds. Two exits from rooms to terrace, from which there is an exit by steps to garden lawn on the ground level. The terrace is walled 50cm and fenced 100 cm up. Completely renovated, replaced electrical and plumbing installations, PVC interior and exterior carpentry, quality brand name bathroom and toilet, parquet planed and varnished. Air conditioning inverter unit with heater. Bright and sunny, freshly white painted, fully furnished and fully equipped on 113 m2, with 84m2 registered, 7m2 roofed terrace (extends from the sitting room, a second salon or office working space), 19m2 unroofed terrace, 3 m2 additional entrance hall incorporated from unused public space. By the owner. Infostan 12500dinars. With the planned connection to municipal gas, already on a waiting list for a governmental financial grand, heating bill will be according to individual use, fraction of present charges. Yearly property tax is only 12 000 dinars Apartment is 257 cm high and consists of: - kitchen 7 m2 enclosed by glass door, fully equipped with 200 litres fridge-freezer and 2 m2 shelved pantry. - bathroom 4m2 with 7kg washing machine, - living room 18 m2 with double doors to glassed winter house, - dining room 7 m2 with table for up to 8, connecting to all other rooms, - three bedrooms - 2 master bedrooms both 13m2 with king's and super king's beds, and 7m2 children bedroom with a double 140cm bed, - large terrace of 26 m² with 7 m2 glass winter house, - toilet 1.40 m2 with a sink and wall cupboard with mirror, - entrance hall 7 m2 with metal door with 2 high security safety locks, intercom. Security cameras at house entrance, corridors. - green secluded courtyard with roofed private space 12 m2 for barbecue, charging wheelchair, scooter or quod, children playground. Accessible by gate. Ideal for a multi generational family, including wheelchair users. Any kind of pets are allowed, ample space for all creatures. The building is of high construction quality. The outer insulation by mineral wool is planned. Close to the international road system with 2km to motorways number M11, 70 and 75, taking to Belgrade Tesla International Airport and Expo 2027 Belgrade Surcin Exhibition Hall in 14 minutes drive and same timing to the city centre. Multiple public busses from outside building and from within 3 minutes walk, taking to all parts of the city. Next to: Ozone Mirisna Livada Oaza Fragrant Flower Meadow Skriveni Tajni Dijamant Hiking area Teniski tereni Tenis School Škola Fudbala F.K. Lane Football School Sport Fields 130m Sportski Centar 7 Soccer Club Field. SC Bezanija judo tenis football aikido jiu jitsu karate Sports Clubs 1km Belgrade Squash Club Beograd Teratana Blok Revolution Gym Bežanija Iskrica Vrtič nursery school kindergarten 80m Primary school „Dragan Lukić“ 1km Руска школа Foreign languages program school 3.8km Mastograd Indoor kids playground 150m Dečija Igraonica Ostrvo sa Blagom Novi Beograd children's amusement space 200m Special Rubber Park basketball court 500m Sfetofor Discount grocery shop 700m Small shopping centre, post office, banks, bakery, Maxi, green market, service shops, pubs, oriental eateries, restaurants within walking distance. Friendly and peaceful neighbours. Payment in cryptocurrencies is welcome. Viewing possible by video call on whatsapp, viber, telegram. Property is on a verge of a forest and wild nature area, great effort is taken to keep critters from the vicinity, but they do encroach to outdoor space. Contakt: Gosa 00381654635963, Thank you for your kind attention. Jan, Vlasnik Expo 2027 in Belgrade Surcin In 2027 Ekspo exhibition will be held in Belgrade Serbia, establishing themselves as the global hub of education, culture, and innovation. The exhibition “Play for Humanity: Sports and Music for All” in Belgrade highlights the importance of games, sports and music in shaping humanity. Roughly 120 countries, international organizations and businesses have the chance to respond on the specified theme by presenting through different activities and programmes within a 25-hectare exhibition space. At EXPO2027 New Belgrade Bezanijska Kosa, visitors can expect to see new infrastructure, transportation networks and access, as well as the latest technologies. It’ll moreover incorporate lasting spaces and offices presentation lobbies and open spaces, which can empower Serbia to meet the wants of society by sorting out competitions and occasions of both neighbourhood and worldwide scale. EXPO encompasses a transformative control in forming the discernment of the have nation within the world and drawing consideration to its capacities and accomplishments. At the same time, EXPO is an opportunity to advance strategy, and the financial and social improvement coming about from the association of EXPO is an motivation for feasible urban change, influencing engineering, urban arranging, transportation, as well as intangible zones such as culture and instruction. It is anticipated that the association of EXPO 2027 Belgrade will result in a wide run of socio-economic changes, profiting both the neighbourhood population and the city of Belgrade, the Republic of Serbia, and the more extensive locale. Since Belgrade will ended up a worldwide center for thought trade in 2027, we’ll have the opportunity to see the most recent innovative patterns displayed at the Presentation. EXPO 2027 Belgrade will contribute to the improvement of the capital, as well as the economy of the complete nation. The association of the show will have an affect on the increment in development works, as well as the development of modern inns, the National Stadium, the Reasonable, the waterway harbour, etc. The association of this occasion will have a critical affect on Serbia’s GDP, with the biggest deluge anticipated through neighbourliness, tourism, inn industry, and other exercises. Subsequently, this will too cruel higher financial development and a more grounded economy. The occasion itself will too pull in remote capital to Serbia, which is getting to be an indeed more alluring venture goal. EXPO 2027 Belgrade will altogether affect the increment in work and the creation of modern occupations. Huge foundation ventures will be built, and they will be utilized long after the presentation, taking after their transformation. Belgrade and Serbia will show themselves as a worldwide capital of instruction, culture, sports, craftsmanship, and advancement amid the Show. It is evaluated that we’ll have over 4.2 million visits amid the three-month presentation. All of them, as well as media consideration and open intrigued, give an opportunity to show our financial and innovative potential, science, culture, craftsmanship, history to the world, at the side the vision of Serbia’s future, as the biggest territorial middle and capital of advancement and advancement in this portion of Europe. The first tender for the EXPO 2027 project has been published Although this is a public call for bids, the estimated value of the public procurement has not been published. The client is looking for the services of creating technical documentation, catalogs, 3D models and the furnishing project of a residential complex in Surčin, which will extend over several plots, with a total area of over nine hectares, Nova ekonomija writes .At that location, as can be seen from the tender documentation, the construction of residential buildings with a basement, underground garages, and a ground floor, up to (up to) seven floors high, is planned. The total planned construction area is about 160,000 square meters.Business premises are planned in the ground floor, and around 1,500 apartments in the residential complex.As stated, the desirable average area of the apartment is about 55 square meters, and all apartments from the first floor should be designed with terraces.The residential complex should be built for the purpose of holding the special International Exhibition EXPO 2027, and the public procurement was announced on the Portal within the special section for EXPO, which has started working.The client of the work established the company SPV Galovica 1 doo for the needs of the EXPO 2027 exhibition, and the deadline for submitting bids is April 26 of this year. Construction of facilities for Expo 2027 increased in price from 12 to 18 billion euros Serbia plans to invest 17.8 billion euros in preparations for the Belgrade Expo 2027 international exhibition, Vučić said. preparations for the international exhibition Belgrade Expo 2027, and the majority will go to the construction of facilities for that event, said President Aleksandar Vučić. President Vučić presented the “Leap into the future – Serbia Expo 2027” plan for the period from 2024 to 2027, the key points of which are the growth of the average salary to 1,400 euros, the accelerated modernization of Serbia, the construction of infrastructure and industrialization, agriculture and the environment. – The plan is comprehensive and ambitious, said Vučić. Retired professor of the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade, Danica Popović, commented on the plan, saying that Vučić increased the cost of construction of facilities for Expo 2027 from 12 billion euros to 18 billion euros and abolished tenders, “so the favorites of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) will find work there”. She reminded that less than half a year ago it was said that the construction for EXPO 2027 would cost 12 billion euros.The EXPO will be held in Belgrade from May 15 to August 15, 2027 with the proposed theme “Play for humanity – sport and music for all”. Продаја 4.0 стан Челебоновића Бежанијска Коса Нови Београд рампа за инвалидска колица поглед на парк огромна тераса стаклена зимска кућа реновирана намештена закупна имовина инвестиција некретнине куповина Србија Еxpo 2027 Сурчин
Godina izgradnje:
Продајем 4.0 стан Челебоновића Бежанијска Коса Нови Београд рампа за инвалидска колица поглед на парк поглед огромна тераса стаклена зимска кућа реновирана намештена закупна некретнина инвестиције некретнине откуп Србија Екпо 2027 Сурчин Велики трособан стан 110м2, ВП/6, тераса 26м2, ЦГ, клима, паркинг. Опрема, апарати, намештај су нови уз гаранцију произвођача. Моји станари су се преселили у августу 2024. на основу једногодишњег уговора о закупу на е990 месечно у мој потпуно нови трособан стан. То је скоро е11880 годишњи приход. Модерна зграда из 1995. године са великим јавним паркингом у хладу дрвећа за неограничен број аутомобила. Отуда може послужити као пословни простор, цо-воркинг канцеларија. Два празна паркинг места поред зграде за особе са инвалидитетом у инвалидским колицима налазе се поред рампе, без степеница или процепа. Стан се налази у високом приземљу, уздигнут 1 метар у односу на терен. Собе оријентисане на север, са дечјом и кухињом на југу. Венецијанска огледала са ролетнама. Два излаза из просторија на терасу, са које се степеницама излази на баштенски травњак у приземљу. Тераса је озидана 50цм и ограђена 100цм. Комплетно реновиран, замењене електро и водоводне инсталације, ПВЦ унутрашња и спољна столарија, квалитетно купатило и тоалет бренда, паркет рендисан и лакиран. Инвертер клима уређаја са грејачем. Светао и осунчан, свеже окречен у бело, комплетно намештен и комплетно опремљен на 113 м2, са 84м2 укњижених, 7м2 наткривеном терасом (протеже се од дневног боравка, другог салона или радног простора), 19м2 ненаткривене терасе, 3 м2 додатног улазног хола уклопљеног од неискоришћеног јавног простора. Од стране власника. Инфостан 12500дин. Са планираним прикључењем на комунални гас, који је већ на листи чекања за владину финансијску помоћ, рачун за грејање ће бити према индивидуалној употреби, део садашњих накнада. Годишњи порез на имовину износи само 12.000 динара. Стан је висок 257 цм и састоји се од: - кухиње 7 м2 затворене стакленим вратима, комплетно опремљене фрижидером са замрзивачем од 200 литара и оставом на полице од 2 м2. - купатило 4м2 са веш машином од 7кг, - дневна соба 18 м2 са дуплим вратима за остакљену зимницу, - трпезарија 7 м2 са столом за до 8 особа, која се повезује са свим осталим просторијама, - три спаваће собе - 2 главне спаваће собе обе 13м2 са краљевским и супер краљевским креветом, и са 7м2, 1 дечија спаваћа соба од 6м² са брачним креветом - велика спаваћа соба од 6м² 7 м2 стаклена зимница, - тоалет 1,40 м2 са умиваоником и зидним орманом са огледалом, - предсобље 7 м2 са металним вратима са 2 сигурносне браве високе сигурности, интерфон. Сигурносне камере на улазу у кућу, ходницима. - зелено осамљено двориште са наткривеним приватним простором од 12 м2 за роштиљ, пуњење за инвалидска колица, скутер или куод, дечије игралиште. Приступ преко капије. Идеално за породицу са више генерација, укључујући кориснике инвалидских колица. Било које врсте кућних љубимаца су дозвољене, довољно простора за сва створења. Објекат је високог квалитета градње. Предвиђена је спољна изолација минералном вуном. Близина међународног путног система са 2км до аутопутева број М11, 70 и 75, који води до Међународног аеродрома Тесла Београд и изложбене сале Екпо 2027 Београд Сурчин на 14 минута вожње и истим временом до центра града. Више јавних аутобуса испред зграде и на удаљености од 3 минута хода до свих делова града. Поред: Озон Мирисна Ливада Оаза Мирисна цветна ливада Скривени Тајни Дијамант Планинарски терен Тениски терени Школа тениса Школа фудбала ФК Лане Школа фудбала Спортски терени 130м Спортски центар 7 Фудбалски клуб терен. СЦ Бежанија џудо тенис фудбал аикидо џиу џицу карате Спортски клубови 1км Београдски сквош клуб Београд Тератана Блок Револутион Гим Бежанија Искрица Вртич обданиште 80м ОШ „Драган Лукић“ 1км Руска школа 1км Руска школа 1км Руска школа 8 кино игралиште 1 кио игралиште Мастоград 3. игралиште. Дечија Играоница Острво са Благом Нови Београд дечији забавни простор 200м Специјални Руббер Парк кошаркашки терен 500м Сфетофор Дисконт 700м Мали тржни центар, пошта, банке, пекара, Маки, пијаца, услужне радње, пабови, оријентални ресторани, ресторани на пешачкој удаљености. Пријатељски и мирни суседи. Плаћање у криптовалутама је добродошло. Преглед могућ видео позивом на ВхатсАпп, Вибер, Телеграм. Имање је на ивици шумског и дивљег природног подручја, велики напори се улажу да би се животиње задржале у близини, али оне задиру у отворени простор. Контакт: Гоша 00381654635963, флат.сале.безанијска.коса@гмаил.цом Хвала на пажњи. Јан, Власник Екпо 2027 у Београду Сурчин 2027. изложба Експо биће одржана у Београду Србија, афирмисајући се као глобални центар образовања, културе и иновација. Изложба „Играј за човечанство: спорт и музика за све” у Београду истиче значај игре, спорта и музике у обликовању човечанства. Отприлике 120 земаља