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Fully equipped raft on Lake Perucac for sale

Bajina Bashta | Created: 25 April 2024, number: 299556

Address: Bajina Bashta, Perucac, view on map

  • living area: 30 m2
The raft was built a few years ago. It is intended for a stay of up to 6 people (6 sleeping beds). It has an electricity supply system through solar panels, a water supply system and lighting. The ground floor of the house has a living room, kitchen and 4 beds. 2 additional beds for sleeping on the first floor. In front of the house there is a terrace with an accommodation area in the form of a summer stay, as well as an outdoor kitchen element for food preparation, a grill and a section intended for sun loungers. On the side of the residence there is a fully equipped toilet with a shower cabin and all accompanying elements. Unlimited parking for a large number of vehicles on the shore immediately above the raft. The raft is located in the best location, right next to the dam, the city beach and the promenade. The raft is intended for vacation, both personal and for rent. Already a very developed publishing business. Great earning potential throughout the year! Business instagram account, "Splav Rublja Perucac". For more information, we are always available on Instagram, as well as on the phone: +381 64 974 19 77 (Viber, WhatsApp)
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