I will sell a Labrador puppy (girl), the dog is a purebred pedigree animal. The father of the puppies is a titled international champion and has the following titles: Junior International Champion CIB-J. Junior Champion of Hungary Young Champion of Romania Junior Champion of Moldova Junior Grand Champion of Moldova Champion of Moldova Grand Champion of Moldova Champion of Romania Grand Champion of Romania Candidate for International Champion (3xCACIB). This cute Labrador has been dewormed, and vaccination is also expected soon. The children are growing up in ideal living conditions and are waiting for their loving owner. The mother has only a veterinary passport, she is a purebred Labrador without admixtures of different breeds.
Мальчишка померанец, зовут бублик. мальчик отлично социализирован, полностью готов к переезду! ласковый и добрый! с другими животными и детьми ладит на ура! документы и чип имеются! на условии...
Прекрасный щенок мальчик Мальтипу, редкий кремовый окрас! Без заболеваний и патологий, все нужные документы присутствуют, страховка тоже :)
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