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New brick house, gas connected. 50 km from Novi Sad.

Bechej | Created: 22 February 2025, number: 381909

Address: Bechej, Bečej Бачко Петрово село, view on map

  • Type of house: Brick 
  • Year built: 2010 
  • Floors in the house:
  • Total costs per month (average): 70 
  • Number of rooms:
  • Bedrooms:
  • living area: 86 m2
  • Land area: 243 m2
  • Heating type: Gas, Central (boiler room), Electrical, Air conditioning and ventilation, heating system 
  • Water: Central (city) 
  • Additionally: Recently renovated, Air conditioning, The Internet, Electricity, Basement / Attic, Garage, Parking, Registered / Land Registry 
New brick house. 50 km from Novi Sad. Central heating from gas (pipes are laid out, radiators are installed, a boiler is connected). High-quality repair. Concrete floors. Insulation. Even walls and ceilings (height - 2.75 m) Water, electricity - centralized Internet. Good location: shops, school, the center is 10 minutes walk away. In the house: 3 rooms / 2 separate bedrooms, bathroom, hallway, kitchen, storage room. Furniture and equipment are discussed separately. Small yard. Flower garden. Workshop / garage. Everything is clean, neat, nice. Booked, legalized. One owner. Bachko Petrovo village is a large village with developed infrastructure, located along the banks of the Tisa River. There is a school, kindergartens, chain stores and stores within walking distance, a post office, a clinic, pharmacies, a football club, a cafe ... There is a beach on the banks of the Tisa. Not far from the village there is a lake, popular with fishermen. 3 km from the center of the village on the shore of the reservoir there is the monastery of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary with holy water. At 11 km there is a spa center with a complex of pools, including a thermal one. Regular bus service is established. To the center of the opshtina of the city of Becej - 12 km. Highway "Smile of Vojvodina".
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38x xxx xxxx
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