Belgrade, Kneza Višeslava 63,
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Kind of work:
Постоянная работа
Type of employment:
Работа на полную ставку
Опыт работы:
Не имеет значения
ID Company from Belgrade, TC Bazar Vidikovac, is looking for female workers for the position of assistant business secretary. Good working knowledge of Microsoft Office (word, excel, outlook) is required. The job is permanent, full-time and administrative type, dynamic with a lot of organization and recording, so good computer skills are also necessary. Age and experience are not a requirement, introduction to the job and training is provided for the candidate we accept, income is regular monthly and excellent and varies depending on the volume of work done, details at the interview. If you are hardworking, honest, obedient, dedicated to work and advancement, feel free to contact us and schedule a job interview. By calling, you schedule an appointment for an interview, at the job interview all the details related to the specified position will be explained in detail. You can also apply for the ad by sending your resume to the specified email, after which our operator will contact you and schedule an interview. Contact phone: 064/ 05 - 007 - 09 Contact email: Website: