Belgrade, Mira Popare 109,
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Kind of work:
Постоянная работа
Type of employment:
Работа на полную ставку
Опыт работы:
Не имеет значения
The cleaning and maintenance agency from Belgrade - Banovo brdo needs responsible, hardworking and reliable workers for the position of operator in the call center. For the mentioned position, you need: - Basic knowledge of using an Android phone to send messages and calls, - Good knowledge of computer work in word and excel programs, - Using Outlook to view, compose and send emails, - Using any internet browser to search for the necessary information. For the position, years and experience are not a requirement, it requires your pleasant communication, organization and commitment to duties as well as the desire for greater and better results. We offer full support and permanent employment, regular monthly payments, the possibility of training and advancement. The monthly payments are excellent and regular and are agreed upon during the job interview itself and depend on the working days, working hours and the scope of the agreed and completed work. Schedule a job interview at the specified phone number by calling or texting between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.: 065/630-6400 email: website: