Farmhouse for sale in Rajac near Cack. It is located at 440m above sea level and 5km from Slatina with 4 healing waters. Asphalt road to the house, all infrastructure, electricity, well water, in the immediate vicinity about 300 meters from the bus station. House of 45 m2, 90 ares of arable land. The property is completely fenced. The structure of the house is: kitchen with tapestry, bathroom and two bedrooms. The insulation of the house was done and the house was thoroughly renovated. All other information on 064/813-12-09 or email
В тихом мирном месте,рай для пенсионеров.Близость городов Крагуевац,Кралево,Чачак,Горни Милановац и спец больницаАтомска Баня,где успешно лечат даже рассеянный склероз.На участке имеются посадки от...