Now salt caves have become increasingly popular - their construction is ordered by enterprises and educational institutions, beauty salons and sports clubs, sanatoriums and ordinary residents who decide to start a personal business. But the desired result will be obtained only if a reliable contractor is involved in the construction, and we can quite rightly recognize the Dasole Stroy company as such. If you are suddenly interested in building a salt cave or need to find out answers to other questions, we recommend going to the official page of the company, and we would like to briefly talk about the benefits of signing an agreement with it. Practical experience and reputation of the performer are a guarantee of obtaining the best result. Dasole Stroy has been specializing in the arrangement of salt rooms for more than eight years and has a GOST R ISO 9001-2015 (ISO 9001:2015) certificate for the installation of halo chambers and speleo chambers. The salt room is an amazing space where relaxation and healing procedures are ideally combined. It is a room lined with natural salt, which exudes beneficial microelements and creates a special atmosphere favorable for general health. It is also extremely important that the employees of Dasole Stroy have acquired extensive experience in this field and know all the secrets and features of the construction of salt rooms. Regardless of the specifics of the order and the client’s wishes, this company will select an effective solution for a specific room, take into account all quality and safety requirements, and also help with the selection of salt blocks and related equipment. The company carries out a full range of work - from creating a project and choosing a design to building and arranging a room. This means that you will not have to involve various performers and coordinate their work; everything will be completed by specialists in a short time and with maximum quality! Arguments in favor of cooperation with the company Dasole Stroy As we said above, this company has many years of experience in the construction of halo chambers and speleo chambers, and has currently completed more than 500 projects for the construction of salt caves in various regions of the Russian Federation and CIS countries. And all its customers unanimously agree on one thing - this is a conscientious partner who strictly fulfills the terms of the contract and offers a number of unconditional advantages for clients, including: • An integrated approach - the company’s specialists take into account the customer’s needs and choose worthy solutions for building a salt room. • Quality guarantee – the contractor provides a long-term guarantee (2 years) for his work and materials, and also provides comprehensive technical support to customers. • Affordable prices – the company provides mutually beneficial working conditions and reasonable prices for its services, payment in installments is allowed and the client’s money savings of up to 15-20,000 rubles are guaranteed. • Fixed cost of work – the price of work is calculated and fixed before the construction of the salt cave begins, which avoids overpayment for unnecessary services. • Quick execution of work – the contractor completes the work in the minimum time (turnkey installation will take up to 3 days). Dasole Stroy company offers turnkey construction services for salt rooms, including design, installation of equipment, finishing and personnel training. Contacting Dasole Stroy is a 100% guarantee of high-quality and efficient turnkey construction of a salt room. Don’t waste time and health on selecting performers, trust the experience and expertise of specialists!
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