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Sale, house, 150m2, Kragujevac

Kragujevac | Created: 18 October 2024, number: 354576

Address: Kragujevac, Крагуевац, Сербия, view on map

  • living area: 150 m2
  • Land area: 1000 m2
We offer you a high-quality newly built one-storey, modernly equipped house! which was built in 2023. It is located in a quiet area, between the cities of Topola and Kragujevac, in the village of Čumić. The total area is 150 m2 + terrace 14 m2, on a plot of 10 acres. The house is insulated with 10 cm foam, three-layer PVC windows (Rehau), underfloor heating. On the ground floor there is a comfortable living room with a dining room and kitchen (open space) and a wood-burning fireplace with access to a large terrace (14 m2) with an exceptional view. Entrance to the toilet and utility room from the hallway. Upstairs there are 3 bedrooms, the master bedroom with its own bathroom, two more bedrooms have one bathroom, a wardrobe and a folding ladder to the attic. The yard is landscaped and fenced with young tree seedlings and a hedge. Next to the house there is a garage (6x7m) and a well (depth 18m). The highlight is a separate bathhouse, with all the amenities, total area 25m2 + terrace 10m2. It has a bathroom, sauna with wood stove + living room with access to the terrace. There is also a small brick utility building for storing agricultural and other things - 9m2. The house is not yet registered, but is in the process of legalization, an agreement has been concluded for connecting electricity. It is possible to buy land and continue legalization of the house. agency commission 2% Ksenia ST/0 Chedomir Simich - we have similar
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Teofil Nekretnine
38x xxx xxxxView contacts
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