logistics company international transportation is a logistics company founded more than 8 years ago in Krasnodar, which has proven itself as a reliable partner in the segment of cargo transportation in the Southern Federal District, Central Federal District, North-West, Ural Federal District and other regions of Russia. Over the years of its successful work, the cargo carrier has established strong relationships with partners from various cities of the country and has many regular clients, including federal-level companies, providing high-quality services and an individual approach to any client. For all future clients, the logistics company transportation https://dtslogistic.ru with an indispensable guarantee of timely arrival at the destination and 100% integrity of your cargo! Services provided DTS Logistics offers a wide range of services in the cargo transportation segment, in particular: • Automobile cargo transportation - the contractor carries out cargo transportation in Krasnodar, the Southern Federal District, Central Federal District, North-West, Ural Federal District and the entire territory of Russia and can satisfy customer requests. • Warehouse services – DTS Logistics has modern warehouse terminals, which allows not only to store, but also to process cargo, providing additional services. • Turnkey cargo transportation is a comprehensive approach that includes all activities from packing the cargo to its delivery to the destination. Potential customers can see the full catalog of services provided on the official website of the company, while the carrier can offer transparent terms of interaction, adapted to the specifics of the business and customer requests. Terms of service and benefits for customers This company is ready to choose comprehensive solutions for all customers, which makes it possible to effectively build logistics and reduce costs. Other advantages of cooperation with DTS Logistics include the following aspects: • A team of highly qualified specialists focuses on the wishes of customers and is ready to offer the best solutions taking into account the specifics of their activities. • The use of modern technologies and management tools allows the company to quickly respond to changes and provide the highest level of customer service. • Having our own fleet of vehicles and a large fleet of equipment used for cargo transportation make it possible to deliver cargo to Krasnodar, the Southern Federal District, the Central Federal District, the North-West Federal District, the Ural Federal District and to any region of Russia in the shortest possible time. • Affordable prices and a guarantee of the quality of the services provided make this company the undisputed leader in the field of cargo transportation. • The company cares about the safety of cargo transportation and can offer cargo insurance, protecting the interests of its customers. • 24-hour support - quick assistance and consultations are available to customers 24 hours a day. DTS Logistic is a reliable partner in the field of cargo transportation, which is ready to offer a wide range of services and an individual approach to all customers. With solid experience, a qualified team and a serious approach to organizing cargo delivery, the company guarantees its customers the highest level of reliability and service!
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