Mineralnye Vody, ул. 50 лет Октября 48 "А" офис 44,
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Have you encountered a legal problem when purchasing real estate? I carry out a range of checks when purchasing real estate, which include a request for an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, an analysis of the presence of existing encumbrances in the form of an arrest, registered minors, and a mortgage. I check the availability of documents supporting the right to own and use real estate. They also include: • A gift agreement, exchange, purchase and sale agreement, a certificate of inheritance; • Extracts from the house register, BTI; • Title documents for a land plot (permit for building a house, land use category, extracts from the house register). I will check the registered rights and possible restrictions regarding real estate. They can be expressed in the form of information about bankruptcy, the presence of an official marriage of the seller, the validity of the passport, existing lawsuits regarding the residential property. I carry out full and comprehensive execution of civil-law transactions, including transactions with maternity capital, borrowed funds, purchase of an apartment mortgaged from a banking organization. To sum up, we can say that for greater legal security it is still worthwhile to involve a lawyer, not a realtor. In this case, you can count on the fact that you will avoid possible legal risks. I guarantee: - Availability. - Efficiency. - Confidentiality. - Comprehensive service. - Transparency. The first consultation is free! Citizens! Learn from the mistakes of others. Before making an important decision for yourself - consult a lawyer. Contact us! I work for you.