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Box washing machine Asp-mmot-150

Moscow | Created: 13 January 2024, number: 273284

Address: Moscow, ул. Чагинская, дом 4, строение 13, view on map

    If you need to save production space and labor, then the ASP-MMOT-150 washing machine is ideal for you. This compact model has the necessary functions to effectively wash containers and meet the requirements of sanitary services. The washing machine is designed for effective washing of reusable technological plastic containers (boxes) of various dimensions using a washing solution supplied under high pressure through nozzles supplied to the surface to be treated. When changing the container being processed, it is necessary to adjust the guides depending on the dimensions of the container. Consists (as standard) of the following sections: Sinks Designed for processing containers with a washing solution at a given temperature. Preparation of the solution (heating, adding detergent) takes place in the machine’s reservoir. The temperature and concentration of the solution is maintained automatically throughout the washing process. Heating is carried out in the TEC model by electric heaters, in the TSC model by steam. The solution is supplied through a system of nozzles under high pressure to the surface of the container. Rinsing Designed to wash off the cleaning solution from the surface of the container with clean water from the factory water supply system under high pressure through a system of nozzles. Waste water (washing solution) from the washing compartment and water from the rinsing compartment are collected in the machine bath and, after passing through the filter system, enter the tank for subsequent use. Due to the flow of water from the factory water supply system for rinsing, the tank overflows, and excess cleaning solution, along with floating contaminants (grease, oil, foam), enters the sewer drain. Thus, within 1.5-3 hours the washing solution is completely renewed. The high performance of the machine is ensured by the strong mechanical effect of the washing solution on the container using a high-performance circulation pump. The washing compartment is equipped with a circulation pump, which supplies the washing solution from the tank to the nozzles under a pressure of 5 bar, in a volume of up to 1000 liters per minute. Buy a box washing machine ASP-MMOT-150 at an attractive price from ChistoProm LLC in Moscow.
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    8-x xxx xxxx
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    View on map Moscow, ул. Чагинская, дом 4, строение 13
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