At the moment, the company “Bez Kreak” designs and produces exclusive curved staircases made of glass and wood, and also offers services for their installation, having been operating for more than 20 years and during this period of time having created almost 700 unique designs. This company produces only wooden steps from hardwood, which are characterized by durability, environmental friendliness and long service life. When covering wood, only high-quality acrylic varnishes from a trusted Italian manufacturer are used, which have maximum wear resistance and do not turn yellow. If you are interested in a circular staircase, then on the portal you will certainly find what you need! Unique capabilities of the company This company operates throughout the country and creates attractive, durable and reliable semi-spiral staircases with glass for its own customers in personal sizes. Employees listen to any wishes and preferences of their clients and produce true masterpieces for them. The interaction consists of the following stages: • Measurement of the future structure. • Estimation. • Creation of a 3D sketch. • Signing the contract. • Making an advance payment. • Production of stairs. • Installation. • Acceptance of work. • Final settlement. Anyone who dreams of an unusual and beautiful staircase with a glass railing in their home can purchase it here. The company has a flexible pricing policy, so the price of structures and installation work is much lower than the market average. Advantages of the company The company creates stairs and fences from high-quality and environmentally friendly materials; moreover, it uses reliable fittings from leading European manufacturers, which are also characterized by the highest quality. In the company you can buy ready-made designs from catalogs or purchase a staircase according to personal dimensions. The company's qualified specialists do everything possible to ensure that clients are satisfied with the result. They do all the work professionally, strictly adhering to the production deadline, which is no more than 3 months. As a result, it is worth noting that the company can provide qualified advice and clarify everything that relates to the manufacture and installation of semi-spiral staircases with curved glass railings!
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