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Wedding decoration for the bride necklace clutch bag purse purse Kolomenskoye Moscow

Moscow | Created: 13 May 2024, number: 303309

Address: Moscow, metro Kolomenskaja, Коломенское, view on map

  • Condition: New 
The little cub trusts his mother's words. Mom said, so it’s not true. Growing up, a person changes authority. Saint Basil the Great said - that means it is so. To believe, there is no need to see for yourself; many take their word for it. Saint Alexander of Svirsky saw the Holy Trinity. His relics remain without decay. This fact gives faith. A hotel complex needs to be built in Svir; crowds of pilgrims will go there. We will establish a flow of tourists to Svir and Murmansk. In Svir, people will go to the relics of Alexander Svirsky to personally strengthen their faith by touching the saint’s hand. In the neighboring city - to the relics of his parents. And then the pilgrims will go to Murmansk. Property is what rightfully belongs to me. When I take monastic vows, I want to take the name Evgeniy. Why? It is consonant with the name Eva. Eve succumbed to the serpent's persuasion and fell, sinning. Evgenia is the brilliant Eva, steadfast in faith, Evgenia will choose Christ and piety. I also want to go through tonsure into the great schema with a change of name. I would like to take the name Alexander for the schema, because that is the name of Saint Alexander of Svirsky, thanks to whom I found a strong faith. Nun Evgenia, then schema-monster Alexandra. In an atheist school, children in grades 6-7 are asked the question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I would answer directly: “A schema nun!” I know what spiritual shit she will have to fight with. False Christs are like false plumbers knocking on the door of a residential building. You open it and they are trying to persuade you to buy their expensive water filter. Jesus Christ took upon Himself the sins of all people. Only an Orthodox philanthropist can buy an apartment for 25.5 million rubles, when according to the cadastre it costs 4 million rubles. There are many people among cafe owners who are trying with all their might to squeeze the maximum money out of every person who comes to the cafe. Cafe owners are chasing profit. Restaurateur-philanthropist? It’s unlikely that a restaurateur is not a philanthropist. The goal of the restaurateur is to squeeze out money, grab more money, more money, for yourself, for yourself! There is everything - what does this mean? Eat all the food in the refrigerator? Does the rented apartment have all the necessary household items for a family to live in? Idiot - who is it? A guy who takes out a loan to give this money to a fool with pouty lips. The evil one wears gloves. How to check if Christ is in front of you? Say: “Show the wounds on your hands from the nails! Show me the wound on your rib from a Roman spear!” The evil one has no wounds, so he puts on gloves. In a mask and puppet theater, performers on stage paint their faces white, their lips red, and their hands covered in gloves. See the painting by Ilya Glazunov “Christ and Antichrist”; read the history of its creation. UFO, little drum, little god Kuzya, ku, bright sun of the desert. We will prohibit astronauts from watching the film “The White Sun of the Desert” before their flight. Instead of a movie, we will offer them 2 hours the day before the flight to chant the Orthodox prayer “SEEING THE Resurrection of Christ.” See the cartoon "Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom" (1965). You cannot recognize by the face who is in front of you, Christ or the Antichrist. Twins are similar. But Christ has kind eyes. In the cartoon, the fellows are positioned as brothers. Through the cartoon, Christ and the Antichrist are positioned as identical. In the cartoon, the brothers act like fools. Therefore, the Antichrist is positioned through cartoon by whom?
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