Our friendly company offers all interested parties the following types of services: construction of houses from cedar, assembly of log houses from profiled and glued beams, in addition, our specialists erect residential premises from chopped wood. We will accept an order from anyone living in the territory of the Russian Federation. The visit of our craftsmen to the specified site is free of charge. After inspecting the site, an employee of the "Siberian Forest" will perform the necessary consultation for a specific situation and provide personal advice. After this, an estimate will be made for the upcoming construction. Why we recommend the services of the company "Siberian Forest" Our company has twenty years of experience in the field of construction of a wide variety of structures from beams and logs. The number of clients is increasing year after year for a number of important reasons: 1. The company has its own capacity base, thanks to which our specialists successfully erect exclusive buildings from glued beams of pine and cedar, larch is also used. 2. Due to the existing capabilities and high level, "Sibirsky Les" is constantly improving and developing, implementing more and more interesting and complex projects. 3. All concerns, starting from the design of the object, and ending with finishing and other final works, the employees of the "Sibirsky Les" company take on themselves, that is, our motto is "turnkey house". We are also engaged in the design of a wide variety of landscapes, and we also make swimming pools. So, if your goal is to buy a house made of laminated veneer lumber, then follow the link https://sibirskiles.ru/kleenyj-brus/ you can always find out all the details you are interested in. We guarantee the presence of original atmospheric interiors, structural strength and a long service life. The structure of chopped logs If you gave your preference to such an event as the assembly of houses from chopped wood, then we can congratulate you on a chic decision! A house made of chopped logs, the walls of which are made of natural logs using hand-cutting, is a very profitable and reasonable option for a country house. This is the best of all variations, since solid wood is simply ideal for the human body, wishing to maintain and improve their health. Our specialists use wood of a given diameter in their work and carry out all the necessary operations with wood at a professional level. Log houses made of logs, as well as structures made of laft (Norwegian), are the key area of operation of the Siberian Forest company. Speaking of structures, we are talking about premium-class suburban real estate. Chopped log houses have been erected by the employees of the Siberian Forest company for more than 20 years (since 2003) and over such a long period of work, the company's specialists have acquired impressive experience. Thanks to the systematic development and improvement of wood cutting technologies, all log houses have long and successfully occupied a worthy niche in their field of professional activity. Only extra-class log houses, and therefore you will always be a winner with us!
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