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Facade architectural and construction plastic HPL for cladding ventilated facades, facade finishing

Moscow | Created: 27 January 2024, number: 276874

Address: Moscow, metro Vojkovskaja, улица Академическая Бол, 15 корпус 1, view on map

    HPL facades, exterior finishing of buildings with HPL panels. Monolithic massive decorative fire-resistant HPL panels for facades, compact facade plastic. UV-resistant external decorative panels and large-format HPL sheets for finishing ventilated facades. Exterior finishing of commercial, residential and industrial facades of buildings. HPL High Pressure Laminates exterior façade panel, due to its excellent mechanical properties, is particularly suitable for the construction industry, where it is an ideal alternative to traditional materials such as stone, wood, glass, aluminum composite, sandwich panels, etc. It is used for façade protection outdoor public facilities, such as external facades of buildings as a protective decorative screen, for the manufacture of fencing, fences, signs, benches, stairs, finishing balconies, entrance lobbies, cladding gas stations, ventilated facades, manufacturing HPL street furniture, etc. it is also can be used for outdoor furniture of outdoor catering establishments - with excellent weather resistance and unique decor. Easily operated in aggressive environments (tunnels, bridges, carriages, public transport). Protection of buildings and facades with HPL panels and slabs, compact DBSP plastic. It has excellent performance characteristics of an external high-pressure compact laminate, DBSP - facade decorative paper-laminated plastic, which has the following advantages: Wear resistance, resistance to compression and fracture, heat resistance, resistance to acids and alkalis, frost-resistant, resistance to burning and smoking, graffiti , prevents the spread of flame, resistance to bacteria, resistance to mold, waterproof, fire resistant, easy to clean due to precipitation, not sensitive to temperature changes, not susceptible to insects, stability of shape and size on the façade in any climate. Can be processed on site at any temperature. Systems of suspended ventilated facades with an air gap are modern architectural multilayer building finishing structures used for dry cladding of the external walls of a building, protecting the building from external climatic conditions and energy-saving technologies. In the hot summer, such facades reduce the amount of heat absorbed by the building, reducing the cost of air conditioning, and in the winter, such facade structures made of HPL plastic help retain heat and reduce heating costs. Finally, the ventilated facade system itself is designed to ensure effective ventilation of the building, removing excess moisture from the walls, which ultimately, taking into account all the functions of these structures, leads to an increased level of comfort and a high quality of life in general. A significant, if not the main role in ventilated facade systems is played by facade facing materials - decorative screens made of aesthetic anti-vandal materials - HPL panels and HPL compact plastic sheets. It is their quality, structure and choice that determine the overall aesthetics, design and perception of the building, the level of reflective or absorbing properties of heat and noise by the building. For these purposes, facade decorative wall coverings must perform several basic functions: - Reflect or absorb noise, provide reliable sound insulation (taking into account the acoustic properties of the facade cladding material) - Be resistant to temperature changes and moisture, while maintaining appearance - Minimize the possibility of tearing off load-bearing structure as a result of wind loads - Protect the façade from the direct action of precipitation and the direct action of UV rays (sun rays) - Ensure effective removal of condensation moisture from the structure, thereby keeping the building frame always dry with its original effective strength - Ensure normal functioning systems as a whole, are easy and quick to install, do not change their properties, during long-term operation in an aggressive climatic environment - Finishing and cladding materials for the facade should be of interest to architects, designers and theme planners, since, using cladding coatings of appropriate quality and design properties , conditions are created for the implementation of the most “unreal” and non-standard architectural projects. The ventilated facade system allows you to use a variety of facing materials, combine them in color and texture, creating individual complex structural design projects. Flammability KM1, façade system K0. We supply domestic Russian-made and European decorative cladding coatings for hinged ventilated facades, which provide the opportunity to implement all these functions. Plastic ventilated facades DBSP (HPL). hpl panels architectural decorative facade monolithic compact - hpl compact panels - High Pressure Laminate - special structural finishing facade plastics, plastic facade panels or facade DBSP - Decorative p
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