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Plastic compact laminate HPL, plastic DBSP decorative paper-laminated HPL KM1, plastic for walls

Delivery from Moscow | Created: 15 March 2024, number: 288693

Address: Moscow, metro Vojkovskaja, Б.Академическая, 15 к1 Коптево, view on map

    HPL plastic. Compact laminate HPL, HPL panels are decorative paper-laminated plastic DBSP (HPL compact - high pressure laminate), produced under high pressure of a hot press. Sheets of paper (65-70%) are impregnated with special resins (35-30%), forming thermosetting plastic - a hard, self-supporting slab of plastic. The irreversible chemical reaction in the production of HPL compact laminate gives many advantages to using this material both in the interior and exterior. Temperature range Temperature range of use of HPL compact: from -60°С to +80°С, Impact-resistant Impact-resistant material, high wear resistance, Fire-resistant Resistant to fire, steam and moisture. When burning, they will emit almost no smoke. Dielectric. Soundproofing. High level of noise absorption: 6 times higher than that of aluminum sheet. Anti-vandal coating Resistant to chemicals. Easy care and cleaning: you can use household chemicals. Hygienic and antistatic. Completely environmentally friendly Eco-friendly material: does not contain or emit harmful carcinogenic substances. Resists the formation of mold and the spread of bacteria on the surface. High UV resistance HPL compact is resistant to UV rays, acid rain and other environmental influences. Not subject to rotting. HPL panels are a universal material for facades and interiors with a vandal-resistant surface. The name comes from the English. High pressure Laminate (HPL panels), which translates as high-pressure plastics, which are made from layers of paper impregnated with special resins and pressed under the influence of temperature and high pressure. The surfaces of HPL panels are usually covered with decor. Plastics are divided into self-supporting - with a thickness of 4 mm and so-called thin ones, which require gluing to the base. HPL panels are divided into low-flammable (KM1) and flammable (KM4). For street decoration, including facades, plastics with an ultraviolet protective layer are used, which prevents fading of the decorative layer. Architects fell in love with it for its endless number of colors and decors, ease of installation and high fire performance. The areas of application of HPL panels are extremely wide: walls and ceilings of public buildings, ventilated facades and entrances, small architectural forms, street and interior furniture, decorative elements. We have been working with various laminated plastics for more than 10 years, offering our customers only the highest quality. Currently, we are focused on the supply of Russian DBSP, since their quality is as close as possible to European analogues, and the price remains very attractive. An important advantage of Russian HPL panels is their fast delivery time - from five working days. In addition to supplying HPL panels, we offer their high-quality processing on CNC milling machines, as well as installation systems with mechanical and adhesive fastenings. VKN SYSTEMS SUPPLY: DBSP PLASTIC – decorative laminated paper compact HPL. Protection and cladding of walls with HPL panels and ceilings with design panels. HPL panels for walls and interior decoration, HPL plastic sheets DBSP. Decorative laminates for interior walls made in Europe and Russian HPL LEMARC plastics for clean rooms, operating rooms, operating rooms.. VKN Systems: supply, processing, installation. Finished products, HPL compact laminate sheets and HPL plastic boards. For architects. For designers. For builders. Plates, sheets of flame retardant KM1 plastics, panels and compact laminate sheets HPL are HPL laminates - High Pressure Laminates, wall and ceiling compact panels, which confidently occupy a leading position in sales in Europe and the world. An ideal material for architectural design of interiors, bathrooms, sanitary partitions and facade finishing. They meet all requirements for finishing materials for interiors and building facades. Compact plastics DBSP (HPL). Decorative laminates, like sheet compact laminates, are designed for increased loads and aggressive use of the premises. Protection plus beauty and possibilities for design and design - this is the task that this finishing material fulfills. In terms of design and finishing and architectural design. There are no areas where HPL plastic cannot be used; nothing is impossible. Direct deliveries from factories in Poland, Germany, Austria. Domestic plastics made in Russia. Durable and frost-resistant, moisture-resistant and beautiful, affordable price, design developed for Russia. Compact interior wall panels, sheet structural architectural building cladding plastic HPL (DBSP). Wall and ceiling cladding material for construction and decoration - Hpl plastic (high pressure laminate) for walls and ceilings, fences and partitions, available in sheets with thicknesses from 2 mm to 40 mm, provides remarkable structural stability, aesthetic appearance, inexhaustible possibilities for architectural design. HPL DBSP boards
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    View on map Moscow, Б.Академическая, 15 к1 Коптево
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