Moscow, Зубарев переулок,15/1,
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Since 2001, the R-Gas company has been engaged in private gasification of residential properties. This is what characterizes our work: - Vast, many years of experience in this field. - Our team consists of only experienced specialists. - We have advanced equipment, tools and gear for our employees, which guarantees high quality work. - We provide our clients with all the necessary professional information. R-Gas has become a pioneer in Russia in the field of supplying gas equipment for domestic gas supply. Our clients have access to a wide range of gas holders - more than a hundred models from various manufacturers. Our experts are actively involved in the design of tanks, using their unique experience to improve the level of operational safety of systems. Our key principles of work are transparency and responsibility, which is confirmed by more than 12,000 successfully completed orders and a large number of regular customers who trust us. We appeal to all those interested in a mutually beneficial partnership, including individual entrepreneurs and organizations, we offer gasification services for various facilities in the region around Moscow. Our offer covers a wide range of objects, such as: - Industrial complexes - Restaurants and cafes - Hotel complexes - Car service centers - Various small businesses We guarantee prompt response and availability of our services around the clock, thanks to the presence of special emergency teams. By choosing us, you get not only savings in resources, such as time and money, but also a guarantee of continuous supply of gas and hot water. We assure you of the high quality of installation and maintenance of gas equipment. More details on the website
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