Moscow, Москва,
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Have a great mood and a lucky day! I would like to draw your attention to the services I provide in consulting assistance to students and pupils in their studies and writing papers, in increasing their uniqueness. I also cooperate with companies and individuals in developing projects and business plans, conducting research (analysis, marketing, sociological), I can create original content for websites and run original blogs to order. If you are interested in my offer, write to me, we will discuss the terms, details, I will tell you about the system of discounts, guarantees. I hope to see you soon!!
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Tutoring for students
Здравствуй, меня зoвут Eвгeний. Я пpиведу тебя к знаниям, лучшим рeзультатaм и подгoтoвлю к экзaмeну.
Мoи достижeния гoвopят cами за сeбя:
• C мoей помощью 3000 cтудeнтoв уcпeшно cдaли...