Hello! My name is Ilya, I am registered as self-employed and work strictly under a contract. I offer comprehensive services for the creation, optimization and promotion of websites, including the development of business card sites and catalogs on WordPress, technical optimization to improve loading speed and fix errors, as well as the formation of a semantic core and the calculation of key performance indicators. My services also cover the creation and management of PBN networks to increase the visibility of your site in search engines, organizing crowd marketing and posting links on exchanges, conducting a comprehensive SEO audit to identify problems and develop a promotion strategy, parsing competitors' sites to analyze and improve your business, as well as transferring existing sites to WordPress to simplify management and further development. I specialize in promoting sites in Yandex and Google search engines, attracting targeted traffic and ensuring the growth of your business on the Internet. If you are looking for a reliable partner to develop your online project, I will be glad to cooperate.
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