Ship hatch with wing bolts stamped sheet 450*600 and 600*600
Nizhniy Novgorod
| Created: 9 March 2025, number: 384827
OOO TEKHNO-FLOT, Volzhsky, produces ship deck equipment, RMRS certificate, RCO, production time and price on request Ship hatch with wing battens, execution Fш 450 x 600 x 110/8 - 4 - 196.0/117.6 - ОМ1 Ship hatch with wing battens, execution Fш 600 x 600 x 110/8 - 4 - 196.0/117.6 - ОМ1 delivery by any transport company to the regions.
Люк судовой с барашковыми задрайками исполнения Fп
F п 630 х 630 х 110 РИДФ 364 - 132.001.001
F п 630 х 830 х 110 РИДФ 364 - 132.001.001-01
F п 830 х 630 х 110 РИДФ 364 - 132.001.001-02