Minimalist, comfortable, ergonomic fit and uncompromising certified impact protection. The Airflex Pro knee pad is a masterpiece of engineering solutions! By using shock-absorbing gel, the manufacturer managed to achieve a thin profile of the knee pad while maintaining a high level of protection. Light weight, universal size and silicone inserts make the knee pad very comfortable and fits well on the leg. The protection has been tested and certified and scored 15 points in the Leatt protection rating. Scope of application: motocross, enduro, pit bike, ATV ------------- Motocross training center in Siberia "Durnev MOTO": school, training camp, hotel for athletes, training track, motorcycle service, spare parts and equipment . Durnev MOTO has equipment for motorsports and motorcycle tourism for every taste! Track, enduro, motocross motorcycle equipment, as well as motorcycle helmets for off-road riding! Lots of accessories and consumables for motorcyclists and motorcycles! Spare parts, oils, lubricants, protective clothing and much more!
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