We offer services for applying decorative plaster on the basis of natural marble chips. - Finishing walls with decorative plaster - marble chips; - Finishing facades of private houses - marble chips; - Finishing the base of the house with marble chips; - Finishing fences with plaster based on marble chips; - Application of the finishing layer; - Decorative works; - Decorative plastering of walls; - Finishing walls with decorative plaster inside buildings; - Decorative finishing of facades; - Finishing walls with decorative plaster; - Decorative plastering works; - Any texture and complexity. This type of decorative plaster is used as a decorative coating on all facade and interior surfaces made of concrete, foam concrete, cement, wood, plasterboard on the following buildings: business centers, hospitals, industrial and residential complexes, etc. If you have difficulty choosing a material for decorative finishing of the facade, do not know how best to implement your ideas, contact us. We will help with the selection and delivery of materials. We will make and implement all your ideas.
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