Saransk, Гагарина, 106А,
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The Granit-S company carries out a full cycle of work to ensure fire safety: design, installation, commissioning, maintenance of fire alarm systems, fire extinguishing, warning and evacuation management of any complexity in apartments, houses, offices, shops, restaurants, warehouses, government agencies in Saransk . The work is carried out in accordance with the requirements of 123-FZ, SP 484, 485, 486 GO and Emergencies, by qualified employees with the necessary permits and more than 10 years of experience. Availability of a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. We use certified equipment BOLID, SAGITTARIUS-INTEGRAL, RUBEZH, ESMI. It can be used autonomously, connected to a remote control or directly to duty dispatch services and units of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. More details on the website
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