Sochi, Красная поляна,
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With blessing from the Venerable Elder Ambrose of Optina*. A special offer for those who like to take amazing cruises along the beautiful Russian Volga River on a cozy ship in the summer and travel around Russian cities along the Volga by bus in a warm, friendly company of like-minded people in the winter! Unique women's jewelry, necklace, necklace! And designer clutches! Suitable as an exclusive gift, a stylish wedding decoration for a fashionable, honest bride (white is the color of the Immaculate Virgin), as an evening decoration or an THING! for myself. Material: stones, beads, decorative elements. Exchange / barter / swap / swap. For more beautiful things, see the account *Reverend Elder Ambrose of Optina is a saint who lived on the territory of the Optina Pustyn Monastery (249723, Kaluga region, Kozelsky district). He became famous for many miracles (heals from oncology/bad luck, from physical and mental ailments; bestows marriage, children; helps in finding a good job in exchange for short labor in a monastery in the status of a pilgrim). You can learn more about labor, pilgrimage, and the Venerable Elder Ambrose of Optina at the monastery site (Optina ru). For decorations, go to and send me a message!
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