Tomsk, Богашёво, ул.Заводская,
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Repair required
Total area:
6000 m2
Number of storeys of the building:
Heating type:
Building type:
Год постройки:
Furnished, Kitchen, Toilet bathroom, Electricity, Water, Sewerage, Balcony, Pool, Registered / Land Registry, Elevator, Parking, Garage, Storage
The sanatorium is located 20 km from Tomsk, in a beautiful cedar forest. The land plot is 45,000 square meters, of which 6,000 square meters are built up. Cadastral numbers of plots 70:14:0300098:158 and 159 and 160 4 buildings: The first is a seven-story brick building, there is a passenger elevator. The second is a three-story brick building. The third is a two-story brick building. The fourth is a two-story panel building. According to documents, there are two buildings: a three-story and a seven-story building. The total number of beds is 500. Rooms: - 20 double rooms - 30 sections, each with two double rooms - 2 single rooms (two-room) - 3 rooms "1st category" (two-room) - 3 "Lux" rooms (two-room) In each The room has bathrooms, baths or showers. The residential blocks are united by warm passages. The dining room seats 176, consists of a two-story block, has a freight elevator, on the ground floor of the dining room there are refrigerators, a vegetable peeler and everything else necessary for the functioning of the dining room. Cafe, bar, Assembly hall. Sauna with a 10-meter pool, panto-steam barrel, solarium. The medical block consists of treatment rooms with baths, there is also a sauna and a swimming pool. Communications: 1) A well 150 meters deep and an iron removal station (located in the upper part of the site) 2) Treatment facilities (located in the lower part of the site) 3) The boiler room was heated with coal, but 50 meters from it there is a gas point (located on the left side of the site ), there is also a garage and a technical building. 4) Basketball and sports courts (located on the right side of the site) The stadium was transferred to a neighboring children's camp. The sanatorium was mothballed eight years ago, it requires repairs, some plastic windows have been installed, most of them are wooden.
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