Repair of hoses, production of tubes according to the customer's sample - * Repair of a hose for a power steering (GUR); * Repair of air conditioning hoses for cars; - Filling of an air conditioner for cars, pressure testing with nitrogen; * Repair and production of high-pressure hoses; * Repair and production of hoses for high-pressure washers; * Repair of hoses for a tow truck; * Repair of hoses for a gearbox; * Repair of hoses for a turbine; * Repair of hoses for air brakes; * Repair of hoses for hydraulic suspension; * Production of brake system; * Production of clutch tubes; * Production of tubes for a steering rack; * Production of tubes for hydraulic suspension; * Production of tubes, selection of fittings for a hydraulic handbrake; * Production of tubes for a fuel system; * Production of tubes for a gearbox; * Production of tubes for a cabin lift; * Production of tubes for a compressor; * Production of high-pressure hydraulic pipes; * Fuel supply pipe for a high-pressure fuel pump; * Repair of plastic fuel pipes; * Restoration of gas-oil struts; etc. The parts are made from the original! Call during business hours! Tomsk We kindly ask you to notify us of your visit in advance!