We offer industrial high-pressure compressors for rent. We will select equipment for your tasks: pressure testing of large-diameter pipelines, blowing or working with drilling rigs, for drilling blastholes, where large rotary drilling rigs are required. Adapted for work in difficult conditions and at extreme temperatures. Compressors with working pressure of 15, 20, 25 bar (atm) and capacity of 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 cubic meters/min (m3/min) are available. Atlas Copco XRVS 476 compressor rental: Capacity - 27 m3/min Adjustable working pressure - 16-25 atm Dimensions - 6025x2479x2402 mm Weight - 5860 kg Atlas Copco V 900 compressor rental: Capacity - 25.4-22.8 m3/min Working pressure - 15-25 bar Dimensions - 4252x2140x2482 mm Weight - 4583 kg Why rent from us? High-pressure compressors always in stock; Affordable price; High-quality equipment in excellent condition; Compressors are serviced after each rental; Assistance with delivery (calculated individually); Selection of the optimal compressor for your tasks. Call and order high-pressure compressor rental today!
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