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in Vrnjačka Banja

Vrnjačka Banja | Created: 13 April 2024, number: 296457
  • Total area: 23 m2
I am selling 9 apartments under construction, Vrnjačka Banja, Raj settlement. Price in the current phase is 1650e per m2 (we calculate the usable area). Contact 063477189 can call, sms, vacap, viber and 0695048087. 3D pictures of the apartments are informative, studio apartments will have a French terrace, and other larger apartments will have a classic terrace. - in LAMELI 1 on the first floor, APARTMENT No. 6, which consists of a hallway, living room with kitchen and dining room, bathroom, bedroom and terrace with a total net area of 36.38 m2, and usable area of 35.29 m2, - in LAMELI 1 on the first floor, APARTMENT no. 8, consisting of a hallway, living room with kitchen and dining room, bathroom, total net area 27.41 m2, and usable area 26.59 m2, - in LAMELI 1 on the second floor, APARTMENT No. 12, consisting of a hallway, living room with kitchen and dining room, bathroom, bedroom and terrace, total net area 35.82 m2, and usable area 34.75 m2, in LAMELI 2 on the ground floor, FLAT number 4, which consists of a hallway, living room with kitchen and dining room, bathroom, wardrobe and bedroom, total net area 39.65m2, and usable area 38.46m2, with this apartment you get about 10m2 yard, free of charge. -in LAMELI 2 on the first floor, APARTMENT number 9, which consists of a hallway, living room with kitchen and dining room, bathroom, bedroom and terrace, total net area 39.54m2, and usable area 38.35m2, -in LAMELI 2 on the second floor, APARTMENT number 15, consisting of a hallway, living room with dining room, bathroom, kitchen, two rooms and a terrace, total net area 48.95 m2, and usable area 47.48 m2, in LAMELI 2 on the third floor FLAT number 17, consisting of hallway, living room with kitchen and dining room and bathroom, total net area 23.62 m2, and usable area 22.91 m2, - in LAMELI 2 on the third floor, FLAT number 18, which consists of a hallway, living room with kitchen and dining room and bathroom, total net area 23.62 m2, and useful area 22.91 m2 and in LAMELI 2 on the third floor, APARTMENT number 20, which consists of a hallway, living room with dining room, bathroom, kitchen, two rooms and a terrace, total net area 48.95 m2, and useful surface area 47.48 m2 and - I am also selling 4 parking spaces, price 5000e, per space.
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