Maykop, ул. Жуковского, д. 13а,
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Number of rooms:
Total area:
38.9 m2
Business class apartments for sale in a new building in the historical center of Maykop. Club format - 15 apartments in total. Thoughtful layouts. Year of construction 2020. The façade is designed in a modern classical architectural style. Closed area, barrier, children's playground, parking. Concierge service. Video surveillance, security. One-room apartments Two-room apartments Three-room apartments From the windows there is a panoramic view: mountains, Administration, city park, 2 universities. Closed area. Nearby are shops, cafes, kindergartens and schools, and a public transport stop. 1st floor - Commercial premises; 2nd floor, 3rd floor, attic - Apartments. Central communications, gas heating, central electricity, central water supply, central sewerage. Own boiler room (2 boilers). Internet is available. The walls are poured concrete, frame. Pre-finishing. eligible for a mortgage. Free selection of financing
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