Maykop, ул. Жуковского, 13,
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Commercial premises for sale with business class renovation in the historical center of Maykop. OWNER. DEVELOPER From the windows there is a panoramic view: mountains, Administration, city park, 2 universities. The location of the building ensures high traffic. The building is non-residential, detached, 3 floors, built in 2020. The facade, in the style of early 20th century architecture, preserves the historical appearance of the city. 2 OFFICES LEFT - 18.9m and 22.6m. The premises are located on the 3rd floor. All rooms are with premium finishes, unfurnished. Water supply, electricity, sewerage are central. Own boiler room. Internet. Security. CCTV. Convenient steps on the stairs between floors. Bathroom on the floor. Installment Assistance in selecting financing.
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