
Welcome to - a popular free classifieds site that brings together sellers and buyers in Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia, Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria and other countries.

 The terms of use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") govern the relationship between the "Administration" (hereinafter referred to as "We") and Internet users who have accessed (hereinafter referred to as "users", "you" ).
You may use in accordance with the provisions of these Terms and the User Data Processing and Security Policy. If you do not agree with them, you must stop using
1.What is is a modern Internet site accessible at (including all domain levels) through the full and mobile versions and mobile application, which is a collection of intellectual property objects of the Administration and information (administrative) contained in the information system. and user content) (according to the text of the Terms - ""). is a large electronic catalog of listings of products, services, jobs and other offers (collectively, "items") that users can offer and search on for the purpose of closing deals.
The administration provides users with the technical opportunity to post information on free of charge in the prescribed ad format in accordance with the presented product categories. The administration also provides users with the technical ability to search and view ads on for the purposes provided for in these Terms.'s automated algorithms process requests to provide relevant information in search results.
The administration is not a participant, organizer of the transaction, buyer, seller, employer, intermediary, agent, representative of any user, beneficiary or other interested person in relation to transactions between users. Users use the information posted on to enter into transactions at their own peril and risk without direct or indirect participation or control by the Administration.
2. Registration on
You can register on using e-mail (email) or through your social network profile (Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Google), presented in the login form. After registering or logging in through the social network, we will immediately create your unique profile. There can be only one profile on at a time, linked to a specific email or social network.
If you sign up for through a social network, you may be required to provide your email address in addition.
By registering with, you warrant that you have all the rights and authority necessary to enforce these Terms.
You can submit an ad without registering, then you will receive an email with a link to activate your ad. When you click on the link in the message - your ad will be published immediately, you will automatically register on the site and will be able to manage all your ads and services in your personal account.
3. Login (authorization) on
You can log into your profile (log in) either using the email address specified in your profile, or using the social network (Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Google) associated with your profile (hereinafter - " login information"). In the first case, you enter the password you created earlier, in the second, you must first log in to the corresponding social network.
It is your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality and security of your login information. If you have reason to believe that someone has gained unauthorized access to them, please notify us immediately. Otherwise, all actions taken on by a person authorized using your login details will be considered to be made by you. You will be responsible for such actions.
4. User Information
The information that you provide to the Administration about yourself must be reliable, up-to-date and must not violate the law and the rights of third parties in the Russian Federation and other countries. It is your responsibility to update them in your profile as needed.
We may at any time request documents or information from the user to identify, confirm the accuracy of the information provided or your authority. If the user cannot provide them, we have the right to restrict access to his profile.
We cannot guarantee that all information provided by users on is correct and that each user is who they claim to be. Be careful when making transactions and choosing the side of the transaction.
We do not provide third parties with information about users and their content that is not publicly available, except as required by law (for example, at the request of some government agencies). However, we cannot be held responsible for third party misconduct with respect to your contact details and other information that you have made public.
We analyze your use of to improve our services, including to help you measure the quality and performance of services using statistical data.
5. User Content
You are the owner of the information that you place on in ads (including images, photos, product description in the ad, product details, user contact information and other elements), in your profile and reviews (hereinafter referred to as "User Content ").
The administration does not act as a distributor of user content. You create, edit, post and make public user content on without any participation or consent from the Administration. You are obliged to independently ensure its full compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation or other countries, these Terms and the Rules for placing ads.
By posting User Content on, you are making it available to other Internet users. does not censor user-generated content. We take action to protect rights and ensure compliance with legal requirements only on the basis of the request of authorized persons in the prescribed manner.
The purpose for which users post user-generated content in ads and in the part of the profile that other users see is to establish contacts with potential buyers who are looking for goods and services on, in order to conclude a transaction in relation to the service / product offered by the user in the ad. It is forbidden to collect, extract, record, systematize, use, transfer, distribute, copy, reproduce and perform any other actions in relation to user content, including contact details of sellers (including using automated information processing tools) for purposes not provided for in these Terms . It is not allowed to use the contact details of users for purposes not provided for in these Terms, including for the provision of any commercial, marketing and other irrelevant offers that do not correspond to the purposes of their placement on
6. Messaging between users
Authorized users can use messages to discuss services/products and terms of a deal. You must not use the messages for any other purpose.
Correspondence of users in messages is not personal. We may selectively review user communications in order to enforce our rights and obligations under the Terms.
7. Communication with users
We can guide you:
system notifications that cannot be unsubscribed from (for example, to confirm the submission of an ad or registration on, to report actions within certain services or to restrict access to a profile or ads);
service alerts related to your actions on (for example, about receiving a message from another user, personalized collections of ads of interest);
news and offers of an advertising and marketing nature (including promotions and news of the Administration, and our partners, invitations to participate in research, advice from
We may send you messages in the notification center in your profile, to the email address or phone number listed in your profile, to your device in the form of push notifications, and in messages on In some cases, we may also contact you by telephone.
You can manage the receipt of marketing news and offers, as well as some service alerts, in your profile settings. Depending on the device you are using, the functionality of the settings may vary.
8. Deleting a profile on
You have the right to delete your profile at any time by contacting support. Within 30 days from the date of deleting the profile on your initiative, you will not be able to use the same email and mobile phone number that was specified in the deleted profile for a new registration on
We will delete your profile if you do not use it once within three years.
Instructions for deleting account data and information about you:
  • Go to page Feedback
  • Choose a theme "Other questions"
  • Specify in the field "Message" about the desire to delete data and information about your account.
  • Send us this message
  • Within 3 working days, the data will be deleted from the site.
9. Intellectual rights
All rights to use the network address (domain name), to the website as a whole and its intellectual property objects (including computer programs, databases, interface graphic design (design) and separate elements), trade name, trademarks/logos and other distinctive signs belong to the Administration. The verbal designation “”, "SALEme" is protected as a trademark, which belongs to the administration company (right holder).
Exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity included in the user content belong to the respective users and copyright holders. You warrant that your User Content does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party. If you do not have the rights to post the relevant results of intellectual activity on or the authority to grant the Administration the rights to use such results in the ways specified in these Terms, you must not post such content on
By posting user content on, you grant the Administration a non-exclusive right (a simple non-exclusive license) to use this content and the intellectual property included in it, on the following terms: indefinitely, without remuneration, without the need to obtain additional user permission to use such objects for action in all countries of the world; for use in any way on any information media - both with and without indicating the name of the author; for the implementation by the Administration of legal rights and interests, to ensure compliance with the Terms, as well as for marketing purposes and materials, in commercial and non-commercial projects and services of the Administration and its partners, including by posting on other resources on the Internet, with the right to grant the rights to use such objects third parties. The administration has the right to keep archival copies of user content and not to withdraw marketing and other materials that contain them from circulation. 
By posting user-generated content on, you also grant third parties (potential buyers) the rights to use this content and the intellectual property included in it, under a limited license, in order to view user content to familiarize yourself with the product offered in the ad, and establishing a contact to conclude a deal in relation to the service or product offered by the user in the ad.
Without the consent of the Administration, it is prohibited to use (including extract from the database, collect, record, systematize, transfer, distribute, copy, reproduce) user content (including images, photographs, product description in the ad, product information, user contact information and other elements) and objects of exclusive rights of the Administration by any means and for any purpose that are not provided for by these Terms (for example, to create a database or include it in existing databases, post it in third-party information systems, make irrelevant calls to users), regardless of their scope and agreement with specific users. No objects of the Administration's exclusive rights, elements of user content, information about users posted by them in the ad database can be used in any way not provided for in these Terms without prior permission Administration. 
We may automatically apply logos/watermarks to photos you upload to prevent unauthorized copying of User Content.
10. Other User Responsibilities
By using and interacting with the Administration, you also undertake to:
strictly comply with all requirements of the legislation of Russia and the country where the announcement is published;
comply with the Terms of Use, the Ad Placement Rules, as well as other rules and instructions from the Administration;
Do not add ads with goods and services prohibited for publication;
not use the functionality of or the information posted on for purposes not provided for in these Terms;
do not use or the contact information received on for spam mailings;
do not indicate on contact telephone numbers, the cost of calls to which exceeds the standard rate for an outgoing telephone call provided by the operator of the caller;
do not use automated scripts (programs, bots, crawlers) without the permission of the Administration to collect information on or otherwise interact with the site;
not post, direct or otherwise use obscene language, erotic, vulgar or offensive images and texts, information and statements that contain threats, provoke cruelty, hatred, disrespect or may lead to illegal actions, as well as other information and other statements that do not comply with moral standards and business practice;
not to use, without the permission of the Administration, software tools to access, view or place ads, bypassing the usual procedure for using;
upload, store, distribute or otherwise use viruses or other malicious software on;
not take any action that could place a disproportionate load on's infrastructure, restrict access to, or otherwise interfere with the normal operation of the site.
11. Violations and consequences
We strive to make the Bulletin Board site a convenient and secure tool for sellers and buyers, therefore we reserve the right to randomly check that users comply with the Terms of Use at any time and in our sole discretion. We also use automated systems and methods to more effectively detect possible abuses of
If there is reason to believe that using your profile or other technical means has occurred or may violate the laws of Russia or other countries, the rights of third parties or these Terms, we have the right to restrict access to your profile temporarily or permanently, to reject or block your ads or reviews, or suspend or restrict your access to certain functionality. We may also restrict access to from a specific IP address or phone number or range of IP addresses or phone numbers (for example, due to a DDoS attack or unauthorized use of software tools to perform actions on
We have the right to restrict and restore access to the profile, as well as determine the conditions for such restoration at our discretion and without explaining the reasons. If access to the profile is restricted by the decision of the Administration, you will not be able to use the phone numbers specified in this profile to create a new profile on
We are not responsible for possible losses caused to users in connection with the adoption of measures to prevent and stop violations on We recommend that you keep a backup copy of your User Content on your device.
For violation of the law or the rights of third parties when using, you may be subject to administrative, criminal or civil liability.
The Company and its representatives shall not be liable to users or to any third parties for any indirect, incidental, unintentional damages, including lost profits or lost data, damage to honor, dignity or business reputation caused in connection with the use of
12. Final provisions
Sections 2, 3, 6 - 8 of the Terms apply to users registered on All other provisions apply to all users regardless of registration and authorization. Any form of interaction with (including viewing the information posted on it) confirms your acceptance of the Terms. The obligations of the Administration to provide access to the functionality of are counter to your obligations to comply with the Terms. When there is no charge for the use of, consumer protection law does not apply to the relationship between the Administration and users. The provision of certain functionality may be subject to specific terms and conditions.
The functionality of may be changed, supplemented or terminated at any time without prior notice to users. The use of is offered "as is", that is, in the form and scope in which the Administration provides the functionality of at the time of accessing them. We are not responsible for temporary failures and interruptions in the work of and the loss of information caused by them. is intended for users in the Russian Federation and some other countries, so some functionality may be limited or not available outside of it. may contain links to third party websites. We have no control over, and are not responsible for, the availability, content or legality of such third party sites.
When resolving all disputes between the Administration and users, the legislation of the Russian Federation is applied. All possible disputes arising from relations governed by these Terms of Use must be referred to the court in accordance with the territorial jurisdiction at the location of the Administration (Istra), unless otherwise provided by law.
We update the Terms of Use as necessary. We recommend that you periodically visit the page where they are located: By continuing to use after these Terms have changed, you signify your acceptance of the changes made to them.
If you still have questions about the Terms of Use, you can search Help or contact support specialists via feedback.